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Partner Logos

Collaborating with partners beyond our campus borders.

We are determined to advance human and societal health and well-being for all. It’s a bold vision where people with diverse talents work together to solve important challenges and build a brighter world. Part of this mission means collaborating with local, national and global partners to solve the world’s most complex challenges. Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about creating partnership logos.

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When partnering with other affiliated organizations, the McMaster logo should remain separate and its own logo lockup. Rather than a dividing line, visual space should be used to separate affiliated organizations. When used with a McMaster logo lockup, the dividing line acts as an umbrella for all entities that exist only within McMaster University as an institution. Common affiliated organization logo lockups can be found on the Brand Resource Library.

A visual example showing the incorrect and correct way to lock up a partner logo horizontally. In the incorrect version, a solid vertical line separates the partner logo from the McMaster logo. In the correct version, there is no line between the two logos.A visual example showing the incorrect and correct way to lock up a partner logo vertically. In the incorrect version, a solid vertical line separates the partner logo, on the bottom, from the McMaster logo on top. In the correct version, there is no line between the two logos. The McMaster logo sits on top and the partner logo sits underneath is.

A visual example showing the incorrect and correct way to lock up a partner logo with the McMaster logo and a faculty logo horizontally. In the incorrect version, two solid vertical lines separate the partner logo from the McMaster logo and the faculty name. In the correct version, there is one vertical line between McMaster and the faculty name, and no vertical line between the faculty name and the partner logo.

When a research institute or centre is affiliated with both McMaster and a partner institution, such as a hospital, the logo lockup should be created with both logos, followed by the vertical bar and the research institute or centre name, with or without a secondary mark.

Please note that the spacing on either side of the vertical bar in the horizontal lockup will be equal to the spacing between the McMaster and the partner institution logo combination. This spacing is larger than the standard research institute and centre secondary mark logo lock up.

The order of the McMaster University and partner institution logos can be switched depending on who the communication is being sent from. 

The preferred logo lockup in the horizontal layout:

Alternatively, a stacked logo lockup can be used.

A visual example showing the correct way to include partner logos. The research institute/centre logo sits on top with a straight line underneath it. Underneath the line, the Hamilton Health Sciences logo sits on the left and the McMaster logo sits on the right.

To have an approved McMaster logo lockup suite created, please contact: