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Logo Lockups

Logo lockups highlight the collaboration at the heart of McMaster University.

Approved McMaster University logo lockups are available at various levels including faculties, departments, divisions, approved administrative units and research institutes and centres.

  • Logos are produced in full colour, black, white, reverse out, right-aligned, left-aligned and vertical.
  • When possible, the full-colour version logo is always preferred.
  • Always use the logo files that are provided. 
  • Updated logo assets can be found in the Logo file on the Resource Library.

To request an approved McMaster logo lockup and logo suite, please complete the Logo Request Form. Your request will be reviewed by the university brand team in consultation with the appropriate faculty or administrative unit.

Levels of McMaster logo lockups

Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about logo lockups.

Expandable List

To ensure the integrity of the McMaster logo lockups, it is surrounded by a clear space. Do not crowd this clear space with typography, imagery, or any other elements except in approved logo lockups. The following shows the minimum amount of clear space surrounding the McMaster logo. Use the same guideline to maintain the protected space in other McMaster logo applications, regardless of the number of colours used to reproduce it.

A visual example showing a McMaster logo lockup with a faculty logo. The McMaster logo is placed on the left and the Faculty of Social Sciences logo is placed on the right with a solid vertical line separating them. On all sides of the logos, there are blue grids showing proper spacing requirements.

When using any McMaster logo lockup, the McMaster logo must be on the outer side of the asset (closest to the edge of the page or artboard). When the logo lockup is centred on a page, the McMaster logo should be on the left side. Left, right vertical logo lockup versions are available to accommodate these placements. 

A visual example showing the correct logo placement for horizontal and vertical materials. When horizontal: if the logo is on the left side or centre of the page, the McMaster logo is on the left, the faculty name is on the right, and a solid vertical line separates the two. When the logo is on the right side of the page, the faculty name is on the left, the McMaster logo is on the right, and a solid vertical line separates the two. When vertical: if the logos are on the top of the page, the McMaster logo is on top, the faculty name is on the bottom, and a solid horizontal line separates the two. If the logo is on the bottom of the page, the McMaster logo is on top, the faculty name is on the bottom, and a solid horizontal line separates the two.

When combining multiple McMaster logo lockups, it is best practice to revert to the McMaster logo by itself and use the copy within the body text to explain any relationships between multiple faculty or departments. Using the McMaster logo on its own maintains the integrity of the McMaster brand.

When featuring multiple departments within the same faculties, it is best practice to revert to the primary faculty logo lockup, maintaining the strength and integrity of the faculty brand.

A visual example showing the incorrect and correct way to lock up a McMaster logo with one faculty. In the incorrect version, the faculties are listed horizontally with solid black lines dividing them. In the correct version, the McMaster logo is placed on the left, a solid black divider is placed in the middle, and the faculty name is stacked vertically on the right.

When multiple faculties are being represented, stacked faculty logos can be combined up to a maximum of three levels.

A visual example showing the incorrect and correct way to lock up a McMaster logo with two faculties. In the incorrect version, all faculties are listed horizontally with solid black lines dividing them. In the correct version, the McMaster logo is placed on the left, a solid black divider is placed in the middle, and both faculty names are stacked vertically on the right.

When featuring multiple department level logos, the groups should be grey, uppercase and lowercase in the Poppins font.

A visual example showing the incorrect and correct way to lock up a McMaster logo with two departments. In the incorrect version, all departments are listed horizontally with solid black lines dividing them. In the correct version, the McMaster logo is placed on the left, a solid black divider is placed in the middle, and both department names are stacked vertically on the right.

For multiple logos on event posters ideally use the primary faculty logos. Alternatively, list out all group sponsors in grey, uppercase and lowercase in the Poppins font leading with the copy, “In partnership with.”

A visual example showing the correct way to use a logo with partner acknowledgement. The McMaster logo is placed on the left side. A solid black line is placed vertically in the middle. The copy on the right reads, "In partnership with the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Department of Health, Aging and Society, and the Gilbrea Centre for Studies in Aging."

In certain cases, a school logo can be separated from the McMaster faculty logo lock-up. The lockup can be used when the school logo need to be highlighted more prominently, the logos need to be enlarged, or if the McMaster logo will be repeated multiple times on the same creative.





To request an approved McMaster logo lockup and logo suite, please complete the Logo Request Form.

Research institutes and centres can include a graphical mark within a McMaster logo lockup. When locked up with the McMaster logo, removing the word “McMaster” from within the research institute or centre lockup is strongly recommended. However, it is encouraged to continue using the original name in any written copy, such as McMaster Research Institute/Centre (MRIC).

A visual example showing the incorrect and correct way to lock up a McMaster logo with a research institute/centre.

A visual example showing the incorrect and correct way to lock up a McMaster logo with a research institute/centre.

In certain cases, the research institute or centre logo can be separated from the McMaster faculty logo lock-up. The lockup can be used when the research institute or centre logos need to be highlighted more prominently, the logos need to be enlarged, or if the McMaster logo will be repeated multiple times on the same creative.





To request an approved McMaster logo lockup and logo suite, please complete the Logo Request Form.